Journey Into Dandelion Wine Country - official website of Science Fiction author Alan Ira Gordon


 Alan's science fiction short story
"On Board The U.S.S. Somoza"

 is featured in the December 2024 issue of The Fifth Dimension, the science fiction journal edited by Tyree Campbell and published by Hiraeth Publishing. Copies are available from the publisher's website.

Alan's science fiction poem
"Interstellar Message Reaches Earth"

 has been nominated for the 2024 Pushcart Prize in poetry. The poem was originally published in the Spring 2024 issue of Star*Line, the quarterly journal of the Science Fiction & Fantasy Poetry Association (SFPA).

Alan's science fiction poem
"Long-Distance Interstellar Romance"

 is featured in the Fall 2024 issue of Star*Line, the quarterly journal of the Science Fiction & Fantasy Poetry Association (SFWA). Copies of the issue in either print or Pdf format are available from the SFPA website.

Alan's science fiction poem
"Same As It Ever Was"

 is featured in the Summer 2024 issue of Star*Line, the quarterly journal of the Science Fiction & Fantasy Poetry Association (SFPA). Copies of the issue are available in print and Pdf format from the SFPA website.

Alan's new poetry collection,
"Pittsburgh and Other Poems"

 has been published by Hiraeth Publishing. As the book's Introduction explains, "The poems in this book explore ideas of sense of place, whether physical locations, points in time or ideas of place that could only exist (for now, at least) within the creative realms of science fiction, fantasy and/or horror." Copies of the book are available from the publisher's website at or Amazon.

 Alan's poem
"The Apex Predator"

 is featured in the Spring 2024 issue of Illumen, the quarterly digest of science fiction and fantasy poetry edited by Tyree Campbell and published by Hiraeth Publishing. Copies are available from the publisher's website.

 Alan's poem
"Interstellar Message Reaches Earth"

 is featured in the Spring 2024 issue of Star*Line, the quarterly journal of the Science Fiction Poetry Association (SFPA). The poem was selected by the editor as a featured poem in the issue and as such can be read for free in the posted issue Table of Contents on the SFPA website. Copies of the issue in either print or Pdf format are available from the SFPA website.

 Alan's poem
"OCD-afflicted vampire"

is featured in the Winter 2024 issue of Star*Line, the quarterly journal of the Science Fiction Poetry Association (SFPA). Copies of the issue in either print or Pdf format are available from the SFPA website.

 Alan's poem
"Zombie get-together sucks"

is featured in the Fall 2023 issue of Star*Line, the quarterly journal of the Science Fiction Poetry Association (SFPA). Copies of the issue in either print or Pdf format are available from the SFPA website.

 Alan's time-travel poem
"Pittsburgh Temporal Transfer Station"

originally published in issue 45.2 of Star*Line, is one of only 50 short-length poem category finalists for the SFPA's 2023 Rhysling Award and is featured in the 2023 Rhysling Anthology, edited by Maxwell I. Gold and published by the Science Fiction Poetry Association (SFPA). Copies of the anthology are available in both print and Pdf format from the SFPA website.

 Alan's poem
"Vampire Therapist"

has been nominated for the SFPA 2023 Dwarf Stars Award for the year's best short-length science fiction, fantasy and horror genre poetry and is included in the 2023 Dwarf Stars Award poetry anthology. Copies of the 2023 Dwarf Stars anthology are available for purchase in either print or Pdf format from the SFPA website.

 Alan's poem
"Time-Travel Jet Lag"

is featured in the Summer 2023 issue of Star*Line, the quarterly journal of the Science Fiction Poetry Association (SFPA). Copies of the issue in either print or Pdf format are available from the SFPA website

 Alan's poem
"Vampire Therapist"

is featured in the Fall 2022 issue of Star*Line, the quarterly journal of the Science Fiction Poetry Association (SFPA). Copies of the issue in either print or Pdf format are available from the SFPA website.

 Alan's science fiction poem
"Quantum Leap With Pepperoni"

is featured in the Spring 2023 issue of Star*Line, the quarterly journal of the Science Fiction Poetry Association (SFPA). Copies of the issue in either print or Pdf format are available from the SFPA website.

 Alan's science fiction poem
"Blocked Call"

is featured in the Winter 2023 issue of Star*Line, the quarterly journal of the Science Fiction Poetry Association (SFPA). Copies of the issue in either print or Pdf format are available from the SFPA website."

 Alan's science fiction poem
"My Multi-Verse Instagram Account"

is featured in the Spring 2023 issue of Illumen, the quarterly science fiction/fantasy poetry journal published edited by Tyree Campbell and published by Hiraeth Books. Copies are available from the publisher's website.

 Alan's science fiction and fantasy-themed short story collection entitled
"Tales from The Quantum Cafe"

is published by Hiraeth Books. Copies are available in print and Pdf format from the publisher's website.

 Alan's Jim Morrison-themed science fiction poem
"An Aspect Of The Intergalactic Dogma Of The Lizard King"

is featured in the Summer 2022 issue of Illumen, the quarterly science fiction/fantasy poetry journal edited by Tyree Campbell and published by Hiraeth Books. Copies are available from the publisher's website.

Alan's fantasy short story
"Live! From The Thimble Theatre!"

is featured in the June 2022 issue of The Fifth Dimension, the science fiction and fantasy magazine edited by Tyree Campbell and published by Hiraeth Publishing. Copies are available from the publisher's website.

Alan's short poem
"Vampire Selfies"

(you can guess what this one is about!) has been nominated for the 2022 SFPA Dwarf Stars Award for best annual very short poem. Vampire Selfies was selected as one of 120 poems nominated from over 1300 poems reviewed for consideration. The poem is available for reading in the published 2022 Dwarf Stars Anthology, copies of which are available in print and Pdf format from the SFPA website.

Alan's end-of-the-world science fiction poem
"On A Clear Day"

iis featured in the Summer 2022 issue of Star*Line, the quarterly journal of the Science Fiction Poetry Association (SFPA). Copies in print and Pdf form are available from the publisher's website.

Alan's ghost story
"Limited Access Highway"

is featured in the Spring 2022 issue of Shelter of Daylight, the thrice-yearly science fiction and fantasy journal from Hiraeth Publishing. Copies are available from the publisher's website.

Alan's poem
"In Memory Yet Green"

originally published in the Fall 2021 issue of Star*Line, has been nominated for the 2022 Rhysling Award. All Rhysling-nominated poems are available in "The 2022 Rhysling Anthology," published by the Science Fiction Poetry Association (SFPA). Print and Pdf copies are available at SFPA website.

Alan's time travel-themed science fiction poem
"Pittsburg Temporal Transfer Station"

is featured in the Spring 2022 issue of Star*Line, the quarterly journal from the Science Fiction Poetry Association (SFPA). Both print and PDF copies of the issue are available at the SFPA website.

Alan's robot-themed science fiction poem
"Illogic Is Our Freedom"

is featured in the Winter 2022 issue of Illumen, the quarterly science fiction and fantasy journal from Hiraeth Publishing. Copies are available from the publisher's website.

Alan's poem
"Quantum Mechanics & Auto Body Repair"

is featured in the Winter 2022 issue of Star*Line, the quarterly journal of Science Fiction Poetry Association (SFPA). Both print and PDF copies of the issue are available at the SFPA website.

Alan's poem
"West Side Dog Walk"

is featured in the December 16, 2021 issue of Worcester Magazine. The poem can be read in the on-line digital issue of the publisher's website.

Alan's poem
"In Memory Yet Green"

is featured in the Fall 2021 issue of Star*Line, the quarterly journal of the Science Fiction Poetry Association (SFPA). Both print and PDF copies of the issue are available at the SFPA website.

 Alan's poem

"The Maestro's Final Work"

is available in the October 2021 issue of Analog Science Fiction and Fact. Subscriptions are available for purchase at The Analog Science Fiction And Fact website. Digital subscriptions and single issues are available at Amazon Kindle, Barnes & Noble, and IPad

Alan's poem
"Werewolf Doggy Bag"

is featured in the Summer 2021 issue of Star*Line, the quarterly journal of the Science Fiction Poetry Association (SFPA). Both print and PDF copies of the issues are available from the SFPA website.

Alan's fantasy short story

is featured in the June 2021 issue of "The Fifth Dimension" magazine, published by Hiraeth Publishing. Copies are available from Amazon, Barnes & Noble and the publisher's website. The issue also includes Alan's book review of the featured science fiction novel "Peridot," authored by Tyree Campbell.

Alan is
interviewed by Terrie Lee Relf

on writing in the Winter 2021 issue of Illumen, the quarterly science fiction journal edited by Tyree Cambell and published by Hiraeth Publishing. Copies are available from Barnes & Noble, Amazon and the publisher's website.

Alan's poem
"Lucky And His Dad"

ioriginally published in the Spring 2020 issue of Illumen and re-published in "The Doggo Book" has been nominated for the 2021 Rhysling Award. All Rhysling-nominated poems are available in "The 2021 Rhysling Anthology, The Best Science-Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Poetry of 2020," published by the Science Fiction Poetry Association (SFPA). Print and Pdf copies are available at The SFPA website.

Alan's vampire-themed poem
"Because The Night"

is featured in the Spring 2021 issue of Star*Line, the quarterly journal of the Science Fiction Poetry Association (SFPA). The Spring 2021 issue is available for purchase in print and pdf format at The SFPA Website.

Alan's book
The Doggo Book

has been released by Hiraeth Publishing. The collection features dog-themed poems, short stories, essays, photos and artwork. Copies are available at very affordable prices at Barnes & Noble and at The Hiraeth Publishing Bookstore.

Alan's poem
"Vampire Selfies"

is featured in the Winter 2021 issue of Star*Line, the quarterly journal of the Science Fiction Poetry Association (SFPA). The Winter 2021 issue is available for purchase in print and pdf format at The SFPA website.

Alan's poem
"The Year of Waiting"

is featured in the January 28-February 3, 2021 issue of Worcester Magazine. The poem can be read in the on-line digital issue of the publisher's website. 

Alan's poem
"Anthropomorphism 101"

is featured in the Autumn 2020 issue of Illumen, edited by Tyree Campbell and published by Hiraeth Publishing. Copies are available from Amazon, Barnes & Noble and the publisher's website.

Alan's fantasy poems
"Signs of the Zombie Pet Apocalypse"
"Venus In The Southeast Sky"

are featured in the Summer 2020 issue of Illumen, edited by Tyree Campbell and published by Hiraeth Publishing. The issue also includes a book review of Alan's poetry collection "Planet Hunter" (Hiraeth Publishing).  Copies are available from Amazon, Barnes & Noble and the publisher's website.


is featured in the Summer 2020 issue of Star*Line, the quarterly journal of the Science Fiction Poetry Association (SFPA). The Summer 2020 issue is available for purchase in print and pdf format at The SFPA Website.


is featured in the Spring 2020 issue of Star*Line, the quarterly journal of the Science Fiction Poetry Association (SFPA). The Spring 2020 issue is available for purchase in print and pdf format at The SFPA Website.


originally published in the Fall 2109 issue of Star*Line, has been nominated for the 2020 Rhysling Award. All Rhysling-nominated poems are available in "The 2020 Rhysling Anthology, The Best Science-Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Poetry of 2019,"published by the Science Fiction Poetry Association (SFPA). Print and Pdf copies are available at The SFPA Website.

Alan's poem
"Worcester Song"

is featured in the May 14-20, 2020 issue of Worcester Magazine. The poem can be read in the on-line digital issue at the publisher's website.

Alan's fantasy poems
"First Contact"
"Lucky And His Dad"

are featured in the Spring 2020 issue of Illumen, edited by Tyree Campbell and published by Hiraeth Publishing. Copies are available from Amazon, Barnes & Noble and the publisher's website.

Alan's fantasy poem
"Lucky And His Dad"

is featured in the January 2020 issue of Shelter of Daylight, the new twice-yearly science fiction magazine edited by Tyree Campbell and published by Hiraeth Publishing.  Copies are available from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and the publisher's website.

 Alan's flash fiction short story

"Lost In Translation"

is featured in the January 2020 issue of the science fiction magazine

Outposts Of Beyond

published by Alban Lake Publishing. Copies are available from the publisher's webpage.


are both featured in the Fall 2019 issue of Star*Line, the quarterly journal of the Science Fiction Poetry Association (SFPA). The Fall 2019 issue is available for purchase in print and pdf format at The SFPA Website.

 Alan's ghost story  
"Limited Access Highway"

is available in the The Haunted Life, the short story anthology published by Alban Lake Publishing. Copies are available from the publisher's webpage.

 Alan's poem
"A Day In The Life"

is published in the new science fiction poetry anthology "A Poet Explores The Stars" from Nomadic Delirium Press. Print and Kindle copies of the book are available from the publisher on Amazon and in e-book format from

 Alan's poem
"When My Mother Walked On Titan"

is the lead featured poem in the Summer 2019 issue of Star*Line, the quarterly journal of the Science Fiction Poetry Association (SFPA). The Summer 2019 issue is available for purchase in print and pdf format at The SFPA Website.

 Alan's science fiction poem
"Pinocchio Plays The Cotton Club"

originally published in the Summer 2018 issue of Star*Line , has been nominated for the 2019 Rhysling Award. All Rhysling-nominated poems are available in the just-released 2019 Rhysling Anthology The Best Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Poetry of 2018 published by the Science Fiction Poetry Association (SFPA). Print and Pdf copies are available at The SFPA website.

 Alan's science fiction poem
"Chuck Berry At The End Of Time"

is published in the January 2019 issue of Outposts of Beyond. Copies of the issue are available at The Alban Lake Bookstore.

 Alan's science fiction and fantasy poetry book collection,
Planet Hunter

has been released by Alban Lake. Print and e-book copies are available at very affordable prices at The Alban Lake Bookstore.

 Alan's fantasy poem
"Pinocchio Plays The Cotton Club"
is featured in the Summer 2018 issue of 

the quarterly journal of the Science Fiction Poetry Association (SFPA). The poem was chosen as one of only six featured "Editor's Choice" poems from among the poems in the issue. To read the poem for free, go to the SFWA website  and click on the poem as listed in the table of contents.

 Alan's husky-themed science fiction short story 
"The Steppenwolf Revisitation"  

and his dog-themed poem
Venus In The Southeast Sky"

are both in the Summer 2018 issue of
Dog Eyes Magazine

Copies are available at all Barnes & Noble and Books-A-Million bookstores. Digital download copies are available at

 Alan's husky-themed science fiction short story 
"The Steppenwolf Revisitation"  

is in the 6th Anniversary issue (July 2018) of
Outposts Of Beyond

Copies of the issue are available at The Alban Lake Bookstore.

 Alan's science fiction poem

"From Whence The Songbird Sings"

is included in Issue 82 (Summer 2018) of

The Pedestal Magazine

the annual speculative-themed poetry issue. The on-line electronic poetry journal can be read for free at  

 Alan's science fiction poem

"Some Things Never Change"

originally published in the Winter 2017 issue of Star*Line, has been nominated for the 2018 Rhysling Award. All Rhysling-nominated poems are available in the just-released

2018 Rhysling Anthology
The Best Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Poetry of 2017

published by the Science Fiction Poetry Association (SFPA). Print and Pdf copies are available at The SFPA Website.

Alan's poem
"At The Robot National Convention"

has been nominated for the 2017 Rhysling Award, the annual Science Fiction/Fantasy/Horror award presented by the Science Fiction Poetry Association (SFPA). The poem is reprinted in The 2017 Rhysling Anthology published by the Science Fiction Poetry Association (SFPA). Copies of the anthology are available for purchase at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and The SFPA Website.

Alan's two poems
"...And They Wrote Among The Stars"
"...Six Standards, Guidelines and Procedures..."
as well as his column
"Why Read Poetry?"
are available in the Summer 2017 issue of
Copies of the issue are available from The Alban Lake Bookstore.

 Alan's fantasy poem

"Me And Cinderella"

is available in the Spring 2017 issue of 


Copies of the issue are available from The Alban Lake Bookstore.

Alan was guest-editor for Issue #24 (April 2017) of

Eye to the

the on-line electronic quarterly journal of the Science Fiction Poetry Association (SFPA). The issue's theme is Alternate Stories/Alternate Realities and contains 20 published poems. Go to to enjoy issue #24

 Alan's poem

"Intro To Artificial Intelligence 101"

is available in the Spring 2017 issue of

the quarterly journal of the Science Fiction Poetry Association (SFPA). The Spring 2017 issue is available for purchase at The SFPA Website.

 Alan's short story

"All The World's A Drake Equation"

is available in this year's annual 2017 anthology edition of

The Martian Wave

edited by J. Alan Erwine and published by Nomadic Delirium Press. The anthology is available for purchase from the Nomadic Delirium Press website, Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Smashwords.

 Alan's poem

"When The Aliens Arrived On Earth To Visit The Dogs"

is available in the Fall 2017 issue of 


the quarterly journal of the Science Fiction Poetry Association (SFPA). The Fall 2017 issue is available for purchase at The SFPA Website.

Alan's robot poem

"Final Jeopardy"

is available for free viewing in Issue #23 of

Eye to the

the online journal of the Science Fiction Poetry Association (SFPA). Go to to enjoy the robot-themed issue #23.

 Alan's science fiction poem

"ISEE-3 Orders The Combo Special"

is available in the February 2017 issue of

FrostFire Worlds

Copies of the issue are available from The Alban Lake Bookstore.  Select "2017 February" from the drop-down list.

 Alan's flash fiction short story

"Ordering A Bagel At The Quantum Café"

is available in

Fifty Flashes

a new flash fiction short story anthology from Whortleberry Press. Order your copy now either directly from the publisher (Whortleberry Press) or the printer (Lulu Press).

 Alan's poem "Some Things Never Change" is available in the  Winter 2017 issue of


the quarterly journal of the Science Fiction Poetry Association (SFPA). The Winter 2017 issue is available for purchase at The SFPA Website.

 Alan's poem

"Werewolf Eating Disorder"

is available in

Lupine Lunes

the new Halloween-themed poetry and short story anthology from Popcorn Press. Copies are available at the Popcorn Press website.

 Alan's short story

"Vincent And Paul In The Yellow House"

is available in

The Night Café

a new short story anthology featuring stories highlighting the theme of Vincent Van Gogh's painting masterpiece "The Night Café." Copies are available for purchase at The Alban Lake Bookstore website.

     Alan's poem "At The Robot National Convention" is in the Summer 2016 issue of

the quarterly journal of the Science Fiction Poetry Association (SFPA). The Summer 2016 issue is available for purchase at The SFPA Website.

   Alan's poem "Robot Agonistes" has been nominated for the 2016 Rhysling Award, the annual Science Fiction/Fantasy/Horror award presented by the Science Fiction Poetry Association (SFPA). The poem is reprinted in
The 2016 Rhysling Anthology

published by the Science Fiction Poetry Association (SFPA). Copies of the anthology are available for purchase at The SFPA Website.

 Alan's poem "Across The Universe" is available in the Spring 2016 issue of

the quarterly journal of the Science Fiction Poetry Association (SFPA). The Spring 2016 issue is available for purchase at The SFPA Website.

 Alan's short story "The Year The Founders Won The Pennant" is the lead cover story in
Strange Changes

the alternate history science fiction short story anthology edited by Arthur Sanchez and Jean Goldstrom. Order your copy now either directly from the publisher (Whortleberry Press) or the printer (Lulu Press).

 Alan's poem "Our Timeline Is Not For You" is available in the Winter 2016 issue of
the quarterly journal of the Science Fiction Poetry Association (SFPA). The Winter 2016 issue is available for purchase at The SFPA Website.

 Alan's poem "Like A Drunken Cosmonaut" is available in this year's annual 2015 anthology edition of
The Martian Wave
edited by J. Alan Erwine and published by Nomadic Delirium Press. The anthology is available for purchase from the Nomadic Delirium Press website.

Alan's trio of young/teen reader humorous science fiction poems, "Totally Gross," "We Never Dreamt" and "White Ops" are featured in the August 2015 issue of
FrostFire Worlds
The issue is available for purchase from The Alban Lake Bookstore. "Select 2015 August" from the drop-down list.

Annie's Book Stop recently hosted an
Author Spotlight: Alan Ira Gordon
event at its store in Worcester MA.  Al gave a talk based on his Bradbury research and appreciation.  He was also interviewed by the store's owner, Patty Cryan, herself a dedicated Bradbury enthusiast..  To read an online copy of the interview, click on the event's title above or on the "Dandelions of Mars" image to the left.

 Alan's poem "How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle" is available in the October 2015 issue of
Analog Science Fiction and Fact
Subscriptions are available for purchase at The Analog Science Fiction And Fact website. Digital subscriptions and single issues are available at Amazon Kindle, Barnes&, IPad and GooglePlay.

Alan's short story "The Recruitment Of Delta X-10," written in collaboration with Jussi Mantere, is available in the new short story anthology
Strange Mysteries 6
edited by Tim Tobin and Jean M. Goldstrom. Order your copy now either directly from the publisher (Whortleberry Press) or the printer (Lulu Press).

 Alan's poem "Starships On The Beach" is available in the Spring 2015 issue of
the quarterly journal of the Science Fiction Poetry Association (SFPA). The Spring 2015 issue is available for purchase at The SFPA Website.
Alan's short story entitled "Dizzy" is featured in the anthology 
A Robot, A Cyborg & A Martian Walk Into A Space Bar
a collection of humorous science fiction stories available for purchase in a variety of formats (including e-book, Kindle, and Nook) from:
Nomadic Delirium Press
Barnes & Noble

Alan's poem "Pocket Universe #611: Ladies & Gentlemen, The Beatles" is available in the Winter 2015 issue of
 the quarterly journal of the Science Fiction Poetry Association (SFPA).  The Winter 2015 issue is available for purchase at The SFPA Website.

Alan's poem "Robot Agonistes" is available in the January/February 2015 of
The Magazine Of Fantasy & Science Fiction
 The issue is available for purchase at The Magazine Of Fantasy & Science Fiction website.   Kindle and Single Issue Magazine editions are also available at Amazon.Com.

Alan's alien invasion science fiction poem "When Life Gives You Lemons..." is available in the Fall 2014 issue of 
 the quarterly journal of the Science Fiction Poetry Association (SFPA).  The Fall 2014 issue is available for purchase at The SFPA Website.

Alan's science fiction poem "Redux" is available in the Summer 2014 issue of  
 the quarterly journal of the Science Fiction Poetry Association (SFPA).  The Summer 2014 issue is available for purchase at The SFPA Website.

Alan's gothic horror short story entitled "Vincent And Paul In The Yellow House" is a featured cover story in the June 2014 issue of  
 Enjoy this alternate reality version of the well-known lives of 19th-century painters Vincent van Gogh and Paul Gauguin. The issue is available for purchase from The Alban Lake Bookstore.

Alan has just edited
 the new summer-themed short story collection from Whortleberry Press. The collection contains a nice variety of 15 science fiction, fantasy and horror tales that make for great seasonal beach reading! Copies are available at and directly from the publisher, Whortleberry Press at a very affordable price, so order your copy today!

Alan's alternate universe Beatles poem "She Loves You, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah..." is available in the Spring 2014 issue of
 the quarterly journal of the Science Fiction Poetry Association (SFPA).  The Spring 2014 issue is available for purchase at The SFPA Website.

Alan's two young/teen reader humorous science fiction poems, "Healthy Lifestyles" and "Man Of Steel, Student Of Kleenex," are featured in the are featured in the February 2014 issue of 
FrostFire Worlds
magazine. The issue is available for purchase from The Alban Lake BookstoreSelect "2014 February" from the drop-down list.

Alan's science fiction multiverse poem "Climate Change" is available in the Winter 2014 issue of
 the quarterly journal of the Science Fiction Poetry Association (SFPA).  The Winter 2014 issue is available for purchase at The SFPA Website.

Alan's haiku poem "The Students" is available in
Parody Poetry Journal, Halloween 2013
(Volume 2, Issue 2)
The poem can be read online at these websites:
Parody Poetry Journal: "New Endings for 2014 - Academics"
Parody Poetry Journal: Online Index
To purchase issues online or in local bookstores, click below:
Parody Poetry Journal: Purchase Back Issues
So enjoy some poetic satire and humor at the Parody Poetry Journal!

Alan's time travel-themed science fiction poem "My Favorite Year" is available in the Autumn 2013 issue of
 the quarterly journal of the Science Fiction Poetry Association (SFPA).  The Autumn 2013 issue is available for purchase at The SFPA Website.

Alan's two science fiction/fantasy poems "Pulling Weeds" and "The Thing On The Wing" are available in the Summer 2013 issue of
 the quarterly journal of the Science Fiction Poetry Association (SFPA).  The Summer 2013 issue is available for purchase at The SFPA Website.

Alan’s short story “Maya Leaves on Saturday” won first prize in the 

Short Story Competition
in 2003.  Contest judge Donald Unger writes: "We play games in relationships and this story wittily spins-out one such game for us, detail by cunning detail- a Cheeveresque kind of Groundhog Week."  Click here or on the "Other Writings" link in the navigation panel to enjoy your free read of this short story!
Story illustration by writer-poet-illustrator Marge Simon.  For more examples of Marge's work as well as to contact her for freelance artwork, visit her webpage.

Whortleberry Press has just published
Dandelions Of Mars
its eagerly-anticipated short story anthology in tribute to the late Science Fiction/Fantasy writer Ray Bradbury.  The collection features 24 short stories including Al's short story entitled "Almost Home."  Summertime was one of Bradbury's favorite settings for his well-known tales and is the perfect time to read this new and entertaining collection.  Copies are available at and directly from the publisher at, so order your copy today!

Alan's science fiction poem "Interstellar Starship Bumper Stickers (As Seen On Real Starships)," is available in the January 2013 issue of
STAR*LINE is the quarterly journal of the Science Fiction Poetry Association (SFPA).  The January 2013 issue is still available for purchase at The SFPA Website.

Alan's latest short story, "Luck of the Draw" is available in the new short story anthology
Strange Lucky Valentines
edited by John Hartley (Whortleberry Press). Order your copy now either directly from the publisher (Whortleberry Press) or the printer (Lulu Press).   Steve Johnson has given "Luck of the Draw" a favorable review on author Lyn McConchie's Review Blog.  He describes the story as "neatly self-contained, good beginning/middle/ending, and the characters were interesting."  You can read the entire text of his review here.

Alan's short story collection
Journey Into Dandelion Wine Country

has just been re-released by Xlibris Press as an e-book for only $9.99! The collection is available in both e-book and paperback format from the publisher (  UPDATE: Barnes & Noble's Nook edition is now on sale for $8.99!

Click here or on the "Read a Short Story Review" link in the Navigation Panel for the SFSite review of the story collection.

Alan's latest short story, "The Christmas Raffle" is available in the new short story anthology
Strange Christmas
edited by Jean Goldstrom (Whortleberry Press). Order your copy now either directly from the publisher (Whortleberry Press) or the printer (Lulu Press).

Alan's poem "Rhymes with Borange" has been published in the October 2012 issue of
Beyond Centauri
published by SamsDot.Com.  Back isues are still available from Whitecat Publications for $4.99 plus S&H.

Alan's science fiction poem "The Television Stars, My Destination..." is available in the January/March 2011 issue of
STAR*LINE is the quarterly journal of the Science Fiction Poetry Association (SFPA).  The January/March 2011 issue is still available for purchase at The SFPA Website.

Alan's short story
"The Proper Equipment"
has been ranked #1 in a reader's poll of the 40 stories in Whortleberry Press's 2010 short story anthology Strange Mysteries #2!

Alan's latest short story, "Corneater" is available in the new short story anthology
Strange Mysteries 3
edited by Jean Goldstrom. Order your copy now either directly from the publisher (Whortleberry Press) or the printer (Lulu Press).

Alan's latest short story, "Thin Ice", originally included in Journey Into Dandelion Wine Country, is available in the new short story anthology
Halloween Hell-O-Ween
edited by Jean Goldstrom. Order your copy now either directly from the publisher (Whortleberry Press) or the printer (Lulu Press).

Alan's short story, "Jenna In The Morning, Evening and Summertime" is still available in the short story anthology
Dear Valentine
edited by Jean Goldstrom, editor. The anthology contains 20 science fiction, fantasy and horror-themed short stories and is available for purchase from the publisher (Whortleberry Press) or printer (Lulu Press).

Alan’s short story “The Proper Equipment” is still available in the short story anthology
Strange Mysteries 2
edited by Jean Goldstrom. Order your copy now either directly from the publisher (Whortleberry Press) or the printer (Lulu Press).

Alan’s short story “The Lutes Of Beacon Island” is still available in the short story anthology
Strange Stories of Sand and Sea
edited by Esther Schrader (Fine Tooth Press), available at all bookstores and bookstore webpages. See the publisher’s webpage at Fine Tooth Press for current discounts available for this very popular short story collection.  Click here or on the "Other Writings" link in the navigation panel to read an excerpt from this story.

Alan’s short story >“The Bulgarian Poetess Takes a Green Card” appeared in
edited by Richard Rowand (McAlpine Publishing; Virginia Beach, VA, cover by Peter Botsis).  The story received an Honorable Mention listing in The Year's Best Science Fiction: Eighth Annual Collection (St. Martin's Press, June 1991, Gardner Dozois, editor).

"Journey Into Dandelion Wine Country is a worthy tribute to one of our greatest living authors, but it doesn't need that association to stand out as a work of fine fiction. Gordon has the touch and the voice and the imagination to raise him one day up into the ranks of his icons. Read this collection and you'll feel the desire for more. Somehow, with Alan Ira Gordon you know it will never be "more of the same."

-- SF Site Review


© 2011 - 2018, 2019 All rights reserved. Materials may not be reproduced without express permission from the author.